Looking for money for your child’s college education? It is never too soon to start your search in securing funds to help finance your child’s college education. As a member in good standing of the Amalgamated Transit Union, your child (graduating high school seniors) may be eligible for an ATU241 scholarship.
our local increased the scholarship to TEN (10) $1000.00 awards, to be given at the Labor Conference and Scholarship Awards Dinner Dance (held at Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL). Information concerning the 241 scholarships will be posted in early spring of each year. Continue to check the union board at your work location for this information. The deadline for this scholarship application is July 8, 2011. Click the following link to download the application form at the bottom of the page.
In addition to the ATU Local 241 scholarship there are three other scholarships that your student may be eligible to receive. These scholarships are awarded annually,
and have an earlier deadline for compliance to their application process. Your child is eligible for the following scholarships as a condition of your membership to the ATU:
- ATU International Scholarship competition is an essay based award. Five scholarships are awarded each year. Each recipient will receive a deposit of $5,000 from the ATU with an accredited college that the award winner will be attending. A sixth $2,000 scholarship is available for an applicant who will attend a technical or
vocational post-secondary school. Official Application forms can be obtained online www.atu.org or from any ATU Local Union or through the ATU Scholarship Program Office, 5025 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20016-4139, Toll-Free Tel: (888) 240-1196. Completed applications must be returned via first class mail to the ATU Scholarship Office at the address above. Applications must be postmarked NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31 of each year.ATU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2012
- Chicago Federation of Labor awards ten cash grants of $1,000 to the children of members in good standing in union affiliates of the AFL-CIO. Five of the awards
are based on academic competition and the five remaining awards are through random selection. Deadline to apply is March 1st of each year. Contact the Scholarship Committee, Chicago Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, 130 E. Randolph, Suite 2600, Chicago, IL 60601 for applications and additional information.CHICAGO FEDERATION OF LABOR SCHOLARSHIP
Information is not yet available. Please check back later.
- Union Plus Education Foundation offers a combination of an essay based competition paired with the student maintaining an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applications must be postmarked by deadline of January 31st of each year. For additional information and applications contact UNION PLUS EDUCATION FOUNDATION c/o Union Privilege, P.O. Box 34800, Washington, D.C. 20043-4800
Students who are residents in the State of Illinois may be eligible for scholarships administered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISA). Applications and
information about these programs are available from ISAC, 500 west Monroe, Springfield, IL 62704 or from Student Financial Aid at SIUE.
- Robert C. Byrd Thomas Scholarship Program: provides scholarships to academically exceptional high school graduates who show promise of continued academic excellence. A Byrd Scholar may receive up to $1,500 (not to exceed the cost of attendance) for each academic year, up to a maximum of fours years of study. The scholarship is not limited to tuition and fees. Awarding of the Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships is subject to feral funding. Applications are to be received by ISAC on or before January 15th proceeding the academic year for which the scholarship is being requested.
- David A. Debolt Teacher Shortage Scholarship Program: replaces several separate scholarships for various teacher shortage areas. It encourages academically talented students to pursue careers as public preschool, elementary and secondary school teachers in disciplines that have been designated as Teacher Shortage disciplines in the State of Illinois. Priority is given to minority students. The deadline to apply for the Debolt Scholarship is May 1st. Applicants also must apply for federal student financial aid to determine their expected family contribution, which is part of the selection criteria for the scholarship. Recipients of the scholarship
will sign an agreement for each year of scholarship received in the Teacher Shortage Discipline for the recipient applied. The teaching requirement must be fulfilled
within five years of following completion of certification in the shortage field.
- Illinois General Assembly Scholarship: are tuition scholarships that are awarded by a member of the General Assembly to residents of their legislative districts.
Awards may be for varying lengths of time. Students should contact their General Assembly Representative directly for complete information.
- Illinois Special Education Teacher Waiver Program: provides tuition waivers to current teachers and academically talented students pursuing a career in any are of special education as a public, private or parochial elementary or secondary school teacher in Illinois. Applications must be received by ISAC on or before February 15th immediately proceeding the academic year for which the tuition waiver is being requested.
- Merit Recognition Scholarship Program: provides a one-time $1,000 award to qualified Illinois high school student who ranked in the top 5 percent of their class at the end of the seventh semester. This scholarship can be used for payment of tuition, fees, and other educational expenses at approved Illinois institutions. Eligible
student should contact their high school guidance office or ISAC for complete information.
- Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship Program: provided scholarships up to $5,000 per year to assist individuals of African American, Hispanic American, Asian American or Native American origin who plans to become teachers at the preschool, elementary or high school level. Students receiving this scholarship must fulfill a teaching commitment by teaching full time one year for each year of assistance received. The teaching agreement must be fulfilled at a school in which no less than 30 percent o those enrolled are minority students. If the teaching commitment is not fulfilled, the scholarship converts to a loan.