Amalgamated Transit Union
Local 241
Chartered, April 1, 1902
ATU Local 241 is the voice of working men and women who are employed in the transportation industry. In the United States, we are the second largest local within the ATU. Our membership is nearly 10,000 strong. The membership consist of over 6,100 active members and over 3,600 retirees.
ATU Local 241 is the sole negotiator for certain bargained for positions that are protected by Article 2 (Union Recognition) of the Working Agreement (Contract). This action was negotiated and agreed upon between Local 241 and the Chicago Transit Authority. It is the job of ATU Local 241 to improve and protect the wages, working conditions and benefits such as holiday pay, vacations, health care and pension. ATU Local 241 preserves the rights of our members by keeping a vigilant watch over the labor agreement to ensure fair treatment by all.
ATU Local 241 employs six full time officers, twenty-four part-time officers and five Election Commissioners, all of whom are elected. Elections for officers, Executive Board Members and Election Commissioners are held every three years.
Who Are Our Members
The members of ATU Local 241 are bus transportation workers. Our members are the faces that greet the riding public daily. They are the bus operators and mechanics
of CTA and Pace West Division. They are also the support staff that services and maintains the buses. Our members include bus clerks, supervisors and instructors, the clerical staff in General Offices, warehouse, stockroom and shop employees for the CTA.
About MV
MV Transportation, Inc. and all subsidiaries, joint ventures, partnerships and affiliates, (or “MV”) is a privately held corporation that provides passenger transportation management, operations, and related services to jurisdictional and private entities around the world.
In Chicago MV is a subcontractor for PACE of the work handled out of Melrose Park.